180 pages makes Paddock life a weighty publication. We print on heavy coated art paper and our covers are soft laminated Art Board. We believe the touch, feel and even smell of a magazine is all part of the experience. Paddock Life doesn’t have a traditional cover shot neither does it have a big advert on the back cover, just our trademark carbon fibre print with a shining ‘P’ logo and a single colour block to identify the issue. Once inside you don’t have to thumb through pages of adverts before you get content; we don’t like that so we don’t do it. Motor Racing is a big part of our content, from GT3, Endurance, F1 to Classic racing, Hill Climbing and marquee races such as the Mille Miglia or Le Mans. You won’t find race results or championship standings as being a quarterly that wouldn’t make any sense. Our stories capture the beauty and passion of the events.
11 The Classics Issue (last few remaining)
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